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About 20 months before SketchUp Pro 8 released the Solid Tools, (way back in Dec 2008!), the original BoolTools plugin for SketchUp was released.  This tool provided an inexpensive way to perform some basic boolean operations and worked with both SketchUp Pro.  After all, the Pro Solid Tools did not exist yet, and no one even knew that SketchUp was considering creating this long-requested feature.

The original BoolTools plugin was indeed useful and helped fill a necessary need in the SketchUp toolset for many years (especially for Make users).  However, it definitely had some limitations, especially when it came to dealing with smaller complex objects.


Bool Tools




About 20 months before SketchUp Pro 8 released the Solid Tools, (way back in Dec 2008!), the original BoolTools plugin for SketchUp was released.  This tool provided an inexpensive way to perform some basic boolean operations and worked with both SketchUp Pro.  After all, the Pro Solid Tools did not exist yet, and no one even knew that SketchUp was considering creating this long-requested feature.

The original BoolTools plugin was indeed useful and helped fill a necessary need in the SketchUp toolset for many years (especially for Make users).  However, it definitely had some limitations, especially when it came to dealing with smaller complex objects.


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